May 25Liked by Rachel Marie Kang

Excited for you and your move!! When I left a treasured home in Michigan to move back into old space, I brought a small jar of white sand from the beach. I look at it every day and it reminds me of where I once was and that this *once was* is still a time and place that matters today and always will.

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Oh, Caroline, that's beautiful. Yes, yes, yes to all of this. We once brought sand back from our special place in the outer banks. And now you're giving me the itch to collect some more for safe keeping. Adore this, and thank you ♡

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May 25Liked by Rachel Marie Kang

Moving is big, Rachel. May it be smooth and filled with new opportunities. Excited to see what God us doing in your life!

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It's huge, and feels huge. Wild, but feels right. Thanks for the well wishes, Linda.

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May 25Liked by Rachel Marie Kang

Beautiful post Rachel, and wow you're moving! Will keep you and the family in prayer with the transition and the healing you all are seeking during this time.

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Thank you, Lamar. It's been a wild ride, which you know. Appreciate the support. Won't be too far from you!

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May 25Liked by Rachel Marie Kang

WOW. Huge update but feels so right and aligned. Happy for you and your fam as you figure out where to land, although I know that comes with plenty of its own steps and stresses and stretching. I love you and believe the pull, and that you can trust the process.

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Yes — so aligned, so timely. Everything about the last few months makes sense. Thanks for believing the pull—and wishing you continued courage in your own pulls.

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Welcome back to the northeast, from this Maryland girl! Wow! This is big! Praying you find gentleness in this season of transition, Rachel. May the Lord make your steps clear!

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I will be so glad to be back in the northeast — thank you for your kind well wishes, Bethany!

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May 27Liked by Rachel Marie Kang

Blessings and healing and rest in this new season returning to old roots. God bless you. 🙏🏼

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Yes . . . to returning and rest. Thank you for these well wishes, Kimberly.

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