Here you are. Thanks be to God. 🖤

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First off, happy belated birthday 🎂. Thank you for openly sharing your feelings, and making it ok for me to do the same. Sending you many prayers...Love you!

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Oh Rachel, my heart screamed yes to all of this. I thought and imagined, “that’s it! That’s what I want.” That’s what I want in the sense of grieving in my gardens, growing in my gardens and coming to life once again. But... Instead with my grief I am selfish, angry, tired of tilling the ground and nothing breaking forth. But surely something is. Thank you Rachel. You are loved. As always, grateful. 🙏🏼🕯️🕊️🩶

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Rachel, thank you as always for sharing your heart. Happy birthday. I told my spiritual director that although I want to look forward to the new year, with so much loss & breaking, I'm also a little afraid. Thanks for reminding me that's okay, too. 🖤

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Hi, sweet friend. Happy belated birthday :) and thank you for sharing your God-given talents in writing and expressing deep, soul-filling thoughts with the world. You have a gift, and your children couldn't be any more beautiful if they tried. Love you and praying for hope to reign! xo

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Dearest Rachel, thankful for you, your birthday, your bravery, your beautiful family, your genuine faith and hope. I am lifting you in prayer and holding onto a hug... for that someday in the future 💞

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Happy birthday, sweet friend ❤️ I can resonate deeply with parts of this. Grateful for your voice in this world.

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"I want to celebrate. I want to cry."....over your words! They are lovely and sincere and they reach to the ends of my own emotions. The language of the universal. Thank you. And Happy Birthday!

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Sending high fives, hugs and thank yous for all the ways you tenderly shepherd the rest of us through rocky valleys and spaces of deep sadness and longing. You have been an immense gift to me in the last year or so... Your reminders to create even if it hurts.. Create even when your heart feels crushed and perplexed... Create because it's just "in us" as humans, daughters of the rescuing redeemer 🙏🥺♥️

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I entered a fallow season in November '22 thinking I was entering a season of growth and blooms. It was not until 6 months later, after digging and trimming and sulking and forcing that I realized the soil of my heart was burned up and had no nutrients left to birth new growth, little alone sustain it. It wasn't until several months later when I let God begin tilling and aerating and fertilizing that I dared hope, and yet in what I still had no idea.

Finally, in November '23, sprouts started breaking the soil. New growth has happened rapidly, and although buds are yet to come, the soil God has cared for these last 14 months is richer than it's been in many, many years. No doubt the blooms will be the most beautiful in recent memory as well.

I have no doubt the blooms you've help cultivate in others through your art and your heart will return in your life not seen in some time.

Many blessings, my friend, and prayers full of love and joy and beautiful blooms.

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Happy Birthday! Rooting for you, Praying for you always! John 14:27

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Thank you for always giving voice to the complexities.

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