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This resonated with me so, so much thank you. Your honesty and relatability is always so beautiful. I wanted to show up and eat those cookies and celebrate that birthday moment with you. Money is often super tight for our family and we do the best we can on our rollercoaster of an often thin ministry salary. I remember once going all out making homemade lasagna for some expat friends inviting them over to our 200 square foot home where we don't even have space for a table and proper chairs. Later my friend commented that coming over for dinner was humbling. I thought, "ok I didn't want it to be humbling I wanted it to be joyful." But, I'm sure it was humbling in someways. We live pretty simply. As we are traveling the US at the moment (we drove through Charlotte yesterday) we have been in so many beautiful homes and sometimes my heart wants that too, but I also see how God shows up so much for our family even in the simple and the humble.

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