Want a secret pass into my next book?

In search of 5-10 beta readers.

First things first.

My last post has 79 comments of whispered wishes—people sharing their dreamiest places to look up and gaze at a full moon.

This morning, I woke up early enough to catch sight of the Worm Moon, March’s full moon. This is a short clip of what I captured : )

Secondly, want a secret pass into my next book?

(Thank you for your overwhelming interest. This post is now closed to inquiries about beta reading.)

I’m looking for 5-10 beta readers to read through some of my recent writing. More details to follow. Leave a comment below by Wednesday, March 8th @ noon if you’re interested and I’ll follow up with details ♡

Wishing you a night full of peace.


The Black Letter
The Black Letter
Rachel Marie Kang